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Thursday, 6 December 2012

Let Them Eat Cupcake

I'm utterly bewildered by a story I read today.  I can't decide whether I'm completely amoral, or I'm right in thinking that people need to pull themselves together and get over themselves.

Allow me to set the scene.  A couple in the UK got married on 26th October, and had a fancy reception.

The groom's sister paid for the wedding cake for their present, and they chose to have a small traditional cake, with a five tiers of cupcakes, 75 in all, underneath.

It was lovely.  I've put in a picture to save you having to imagine it.

The wedding went very well, apparently. The bride and groom had intended to give out the cupcakes late in the evening, delighting each guest, they hoped, with the gift of what is, essentially, a tasty bun with buttercream icing.

They forgot. They got so carried away with the excitement of the wedding, that the cake remained untouched at the end of the evening.

After the party was over, one of the bridesmaids and an old friend of the bride decided to help clear up the cake.

The friend started to pack the cupcakes into boxes. The bridesmaid told her to leave the boxes in the reception room, and that they'd deal with them the following day.

The friend announced that no, that was daft, she'd bring them home with her.

The bridesmaid says she assumed this friend would hand back the cupcakes the following day.

The following morning - the day after the wedding, bear in mind, when any decent person would be roaring for a bucket, the bride and bridesmaid discussed what had happened and the bride immediately phoned the friend to demand the return of the cupcakes.

She got no reply.  I assume, to be honest, that the friend was lying in bed swearing she'd never drink again.
The bride became enraged at the theft, and went to the friend's house, this is the morning after her wedding, remember, where she banged on the door for some time, but she says, got no answer.
Somehow, though, the cupcake swiper put 25 cupcakes on the doorstep, in a black plastic bag.

The bride continued to demand the return of her other 50 cupcakes, to no avail.  As the happy couple were leaving for their honeymoon later that day, they received a text from the woman,  which said that she'd sent her partner off to work with the cupcakes under his oxter , to hand them out at work.

The bride and groom now say that the memory of their wedding is ruined by the theft of their wedding cake.

Now there's no way I'd go to a wedding and volunteer to bring home the cake.  I think that's a bit odd.

But the bride and groom phoned the police, to have the ex (I assume) friend charged with theft.

As I say, going to a wedding and bringing home the cake is bonkers.  But can you imagine your friend calling the police on you for this?

Do cupcakes last more than a day anyway?  What were they going to do with 75 of them before they got on the plane? 
Am I a natural born thief, or did they over react wildly?
Could their wedding really have been ruined by this?

And most importantly of all, when did buns become cupcakes?

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