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Tuesday, 20 November 2012

What a Spa!

I had a pretty spectacular weekend recently.  My friend Laura got fed up of us promising each other that we’d do something fun soon, and booked us a Saturday night in a lovely hotel, with spa treatments in the afternoon, for a birthday surprise. 

I love her. 

It was a package of treatments, called the Winter Warmer. I absolutely love this kind of treat.  But I’m not going to lie, I have a certain amount of stress in the run-up. 
On arrival at the spa, we had to fill in a two page form.  As usual, there was a huge list of illnesses that you had to say whether you’d ever suffered from.  I was so worried about what the masseuse would think about my fatty whiteness that I lost the head and ticked all the boxes.  They must have been wondering how I was standing up at all. 

I had to confess my stupidity at the reception desk, before the woman came to show us to the dressing room.
We were terrified of her.  She looked like she never smiled, the kind of woman who doesn’t need to raise her voice to get her own way.

“You vil felow me.”
What?  I looked at Laura, who calmly followed the woman.

“You vil do a fevor.”
I was baffled. 

“We’re doing her a favour.”

“Oh.  Right”
“You vil share a lecker.”

I wasn’t so quick to agree this one.  What on earth is a lecker? I wondered.  It doesn’t sound like anything we should agree to without knowing exactly what we were letting ourselves in for.

We stared at her blankly.
“A lecker! A lecker! We are most busy.”

Shite.  I hadn’t a clue, and was fairly sure Laura didn’t either.  Eventually the woman caught a locker door by the latch and shook it violently, to show what she meant.
Oh, a locker.  Thank God for that. 

“Of course, anything you like.”
She sighed and left us to get into our robes.

When the door opened again, a gaggle of glamorous (and by that I mean skinny) girls walked in, holding their robes and slippers.  I decided not to make the confession I was about to make to Laura.  That I’d briefly wondered when I was packing my overnight bag that morning whether I could get away with being massaged in Spanx.  We went to our treatment rooms, and prepared to be spoiled.
The girl came in, and invited me to sit in a large chair, and to start relaxing.  I don’t enjoy that part.  Someone sitting looking at me, and telling me to relax.  What am I supposed to do?  Let my head fall sideways like an idiot?    

“I’m just going to talk you through your treatments.”
I knew what my treatments were.  A frangipani cocoon, a neck, back and shoulder massage, and a half hour facial.  I’d spent the previous month googling these treatments on an almost daily basis, so excited was I by the coming treat.

“Good idea.  I think you should know, I’m not great with facials.”
“What do you mean?”

“No offence, but I find that the therapist, during a facial, is too near me.”

“Right.  Well the thing is, it’s almost impossible to do a facial from a distance.”
“I realise that.  Look, it’s not you, it’s me.”  I wondered how I got into the classic break up conversation with a complete stranger.

“I don’t like my face being touched.”
“Are you claustrophobic?”

“No.  I just have personal boundaries.”
She went to speak to her supervisor. 

When she came back, she told me we could leave out the facial. She’d been hoping to give me a full body massage instead, but her manager had offered a scalp massage.
I was thrilled.  There’s only so much fat you can have on your scalp.  My thighs, however, are another matter entirely.

It was fabulous.  It started with body brushing, then being cocooned in frangipani lotion, then the massage, the scalp massage, and finally a full body balm.  She finished by wrapping me in warm towels, and going off to get me some water.
Utter bliss.  Obviously, at the start of every massage, I worry that while the woman is massaging me, my fat is running along in front of her hands and making her nauseous.  Once the effect of the massage starts kicking in, I stop worrying.  By the time I was left cocooned, it was all over, and I was in a state of semi-conscious relaxation.

Eventually she came back to lead me to the relaxation room.  It was almost dark, with plinky plonky music, accompanied by drippy watery sounds, endless candles, and fabulous leather beds that came with remote controls.  I was invited to relax, and to partake freely of water and fruit.
I was barely lying down when Laura arrived.  Poor Laura had had a rough night on Friday, her toddler has a vomiting bug, and we both assumed she’d be taking a quick nap.

She didn’t have a chance though.  The beauticians were bringing other women in and out, speaking in hushed tones, and offering fruit every few seconds.  Also, I’d started playing with the remote control of the bed.  You could move the head or the foot of the bed up or down, to find your perfect relaxation position.  Sadly, I’d decided to explore the controls fully, and had raised both my head and my feet, so by the time poor Laura looked around the little curtain I was sort of folded double, and struggling a bit, to be honest.
The girl came back in, offered us more water, which we declined, and left.

We sat in silence for a few seconds. I was being good to make up for my foolishness, and I thought Laura might be asleep.  Sometimes, I get a bit uncomfortable in “relaxation rooms”.  The pressure to relax is so great (Am I relaxed?  But am I relaxed enough?  What can I do to be more relaxed?) that I actually get a bit stressed about relaxing.  I was trying to fight off this feeling when Laura spoke.
“Although I am quite thirsty”

“Will I get you some water?”
“No, not that kind of thirsty.”

“Oh good.  What kind of thirsty are you?”
“I don’t know.  Maybe cider thirsty.”

“Great.  Will we go for a pint?”
Up we got, into our clothes, and fled. 

It was about half five in the evening.  Laura had just had a facial, and I’m insanely lazy, so we decided not to bother with makeup.  Which meant we didn’t have to dress up.  We went to two bars, the first was good, the second was possibly my favourite pub ever.  It, and everything in it, was ancient.  Except the clientele, who were mostly younger than me.  We sat on two high stools at the bar, drinking and talking about people.  When we got curious about one of the bottles behind the bar, they gave us a spiced rum to test.  I say us, but Laura was in the ladies, and obviously I thought she’d be getting her own, so I downed it like a shot.  The barman wasn’t amused.  And didn’t give me another one for Laura, the mean yoke.
We had another drink to wash it down.  It was pretty disgusting.  And then another pint, for the road.   And then another shot, to finish the night off.  I think it was about ten o’clock.

The upshot was that we were in bed, drunk, having had our midnight chips, by eleven o’clock.
I have mastered the art of how to accept my age and still go out on a Saturday night.  I’m giving up on high heeled shoes and any attempt at glamour.  I’m going to go to old man pubs in the middle of the evening and be drunk by the time the cool people arrive.  It’s a great system. 

And we were both refreshed and hangover free when we woke up about ten hours later.  Best Saturday ever.

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