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Sunday, 25 November 2012

Pumpkin Tossing

I read the online newspaper again this morning. I don’t know why I haven’t always read the papers, actually. I must have missed out on hundreds of stories that would have fascinated and amazed me.

As most of us will probably know, last Thursday was Thanksgiving in the United States. News reports say that a 54 year old woman, who went out for a walk in California that day, ended up in hospital, the victim of an assault with a deadly weapon.

Apparently, it all took place in the manner of a drive by shooting. 

 She was walking along, minding her own business, when a white four door sedan, or saloon car as we would call it (and yes, I had to google that) passed by.
It was one of the passengers of the sedan than committed the assault. As the woman was crossing the road, a passenger leaned out of the car and threw a pumpkin at her.
Yes, a pumpkin.

It hit her square in the chest, and she had to be hospitalised. The police are taking it extremely seriously. They allege that the woman could have been fatally injured. And that the pumpkin was a deadly weapon.
Which in fairness, I suppose, she could have. I wouldn’t like to be see a pumpkin coming at me at speed.
I used to get really sulky at the end of the school year when people threw eggs at each other. Eggs hurt.

The police say that “Any time you throw anything out of a vehicle and you hit someone or something, that's a crime”.
And that the appropriate charge is assault with a deadly weapon.
Can you imagine losing your head and throwing a pumpkin out of the car window, then getting charged with assault with a deadly weapon?
You’d get a bit of a fright, I’d imagine. But not as much of a fright as the woman got.

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